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Photo of Francisco Javier Gómez Fontecha Spain

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FRANCISCO JAVIER GOMEZ FONTECHA born in Toledo in 1961. Diploma in General Educacin Faculty of Basic, Human Sciences specializing in the year 1983. Living and working in Toledo. With innate skill for drawing, his work develops Fontecha an entirely vocational. Except for learning with teachers who teach the subject of drawing when he attended the elementary teachings and the two years she attended the School of Applied Arts...

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FRANCISCO JAVIER GOMEZ FONTECHA born in Toledo in 1961. Diploma in General Educacin Faculty of Basic, Human Sciences specializing in the year 1983. Living and working in Toledo. With innate skill for drawing, his work develops Fontecha an entirely vocational. Except for learning with teachers who teach the subject of drawing when he attended the elementary teachings and the two years she attended the School of Applied Arts and artistic of Toledo, its formation in the art world has been entirely self-taught. The direct observation in exhibitions, books, museums. and the practice continued in that period have spoken favorably on the personal development of their work. Interested from an early age for drawing and design advertising, participating in various certmenes that take you to get many awards and commendations. Today, Toledo is the centerpiece of his works themed. Monuments streets and corners are done in ink, technique you can move the paper the beauty of his hometown and aspoder turn their lights, shadows, textures and details, all at travs of a drawing prepared and thorough. 1985 .- SOLO ART CORNER Welty. TOLEDO, 1995.-CENTRO CULTURAL DE LA CAJA RURAL DE TOLEDO .- EUROPEAN YOUNG SHOWROOM. TOLEDO, 1996.-CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF TOLEDO, 1997.-CENTRO CULTURAL DE LA CAJA RURAL DE TOLEDO, 1998.-CENTRO CULTURAL DE LA CAJA RURAL DE TOLEDO, 2007.-CENTRO CULTURAL DE LA CAJA RURAL DE TOLEDO .- EXHIBITIONS delegacin 1976/81.-- PROVINCIAL DE CULTURA. Toledo.-Youth Art Contest; 1986/87.-CENTRO MUNICIPAL CIVIC DISTRICT OF ST. Maria Benquerencia. Toledo.-Painting Exhibition Spring Festival, 1994.-FOUNDATION GREGORIO PRIETO. VALDEPEAS, 1995.-SHOWROOM THE HERMITILLA. Quintanar de la Orden. TOLEDO .- The Hon. CITY OF LA GUARDIA. TOLEDO .- EXHIBITION HALL HE. PROVINCIAL DE GUADALAJARA Provincial Council. SELECTIONS 1998/99.-GALERA TOLEDO. AWARDS 1975.-Prize Competition IV Open Air (delegation of the Youth), 1976.-1st. Christmas Card Contest Award (youth category. Delegation of the Youth), 1981.-Award Phase II Provincial Junior Plastic Arts Exhibition, 1982.-1st. Poster Contest Award Shows and Events (HE City Council of Los Ybenes. Toledo), 1983.-2 Wall IV Competition Award of the XXVII Fiesta del Olivo (HE Mora City Council. Toledo), 1985 .- Mention Poster Contest Honorfica Fairs and Festivals (HE Toledo City Council), 1986.-1st. Poster Contest Award Shows and Events (HE Toledo City Council), 1988.-2 Award Contest IX Murals Feast of the Olive XXXII (HE Mora City Council. Toledo), 1989.-2 Award Poster Contest Shows and Events (HE City Council of Los Ybenes. Toledo), 1994 .- Selected IV National Drawing Competition Foundation Gregorio Prieto. Valdepeas, 1995 .- IV Painting Prize Selected City-Selected I Quintanar. National Painting Competition Villa de La Guardia. 1995 .- Selected National Design Award Antonio del Rincon. 1995. PRESENTATION: I do not paint Fontecha ssi knees, as they say Anglico Fray HACA, but spuedo say that paints with devotion, with the anointing, the seriousness and the dedication that produces love. That is seen looking at his work. The work of Francisco Javier Gómez Fontana is a work done with all the love you can feel towards something or to someone, so the result, the fruit of that love, is a mature work in sazn. Legend says that the stones wept when he died Alfonso, the king conqueror of Toledo, today, the stones speak, and they could not keep quiet for more time, and is a riot of joy. The walls, the walls, the roofs of Toledo Fontecha tell their perfection, with its balance, its beauty, the work and effort also leads to art. There are other ways, of course, but Fontana has chosen the pan-bread and wine wine and no one calls it cheating or have to get clarification complicated to understand and feel the work that is ahead. Not all images are worth a thousand words, but these images that Fontecha offers, SHAC many other explanations unnecessary. Fontana has long since atravesel desert, which reaches a boundary where it meets the master of a craft or an art, but do not want to stay here, I think that no quedaraqu, because it continues to the eye is always a point most all, a point more than perfection, a border more than elegance, a hint that: a leisurely way, and with delays needed to look no passion that can not be done without passion. I saw Paco Fontecha advance with the conviction of one who knows what he wants ycmo so. In this business of art and not just songs you hear sirens, but a whole estrpito stuns us, disorient us and threatens to run aground, olvidndonos of our original course. Growing up always being yourself is a difficult task, but joyful. Francisco Javier Gómez Fontecha exudes the feeling of knowing that the weather has been and estarsiempre on your part. And looking at this exhibition, you do not know whether to stay in the admiration aroused by the high level of proficiency attained in the management of drawing and color of sobriety and restraint, or the expectation of all the many and good We will wait for the upcoming meeting. JL Lazaro.

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